Professional One pager

Professional One pager
Delivery Time: Up to 14 Days

Hello company owner; my name is Guy Levin. In the past decade, I was involved in building companies around the globe and assisted companies in achieving their goals.

With time I was approached by companies to assist with the investment world.

One of the virtues, I had the privilege to build more than 30 one-pagers and business plans to present to investors, angels and VCs.

Building a correct One-Pager and A Pitch-Deck to present to investors requires more than knowledge and skills. It involves Experience.

– You can order One-Pager for $800
– Submit One-Oager / Pitch-Deck to 30 VCs $900
– Submit One-Oager / Pitch-Deck to 200 Angels $1500
– Pitch-Deck $3,500
– Buisness Plan $15,000

Past success:

– Media Company: $250,000
– CRM: Angel Investment: $200,000
– AI: Angle Investment: $20,000
– Event venue: $15,000
– $10,000

– Professional approach
– Business and marketing understanding
– Since 2012

Fintech | advertisment | management | StartUps etc..

You also can request extra services
– Marketing
– Advertisement

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