These terms explain how we expect you to behave when you’re using isitwork – whether you’re a registered user or an unregistered site visitor on our site.

Please read these rules carefully: by using our site, you’re agreeing to follow them.


1. About licenses and third party content

1.1 We let you use our site and services

1.2 We can stop you using our site and services

1.3 We keep the rights to our intellectual property

1.4 You can use isitwork to share your content with the world

1.4.1 You’re responsible for what you post

1.4.2 Other people have some rights to what you post

1.4.3 We’re open to your ideas

1.5 Third parties post on isitwork too

1.6 You can make a copyright complaint

2. What you’re allowed to do on isitwork

3. What you’re not allowed to do on isitwork

4. Enforcing our terms of use

5. Definitions

1. About licenses and third party content

Here we’ve included the conditions for using our site, which we do our best to keep running smoothly (1.1). That means we have the right to stop people from using our site and services if needed (1.2).

You can’t use our intellectual property (1.3), but you can post your own content to isitwork. You’re responsible for this content (1.4), and equally, we’re not responsible for content you come across from other users (1.5). If you think someone is using something you’ve copyrighted, just let us know (1.6).

1.1 We let you use our site and services

Technically, we’re giving you a ‘limited license to the site. Here’s what that means.

We’re happy for you to access our website and services (known as the services). You’re free to have this access (or limited license) as long as you follow these terms of use and all of our other Terms of Service as they apply to you.

We’ll do our best to make sure our services are safe and working as they should, but we can’t guarantee you’ll have access continuously. In fact, we might even stop providing certain features or services completely and don’t have to give notice if we do.

1.2 We can stop letting you use our services

We can take away your right to use our services at any time.

If you violate our Terms of Use or other parts of our Terms of Service, we can take away your access to isitwork. Officially, this is called terminating your license, and if it happens, we’ll tell you and you must stop using our services immediately.

1.3 We keep the rights to our intellectual property

Using our services doesn’t mean you can use any of our trademarks or other intellectual property, like copyrights and patents. We keep all of our rights to our intellectual property, even though we let you use our services.

Our logos and names are our trademarks and are registered in certain jurisdictions. Any other product or company names, logos or similar marks and symbols you see on isitwork may be trademarked by our partners or other users like you.

1.4 You can use isitwork to share your content with the world

1.4.1 You’re responsible for what you post

You’re responsible for how you use our site and anything you post on it. If someone makes a claim against us because of anything you put on the site, you agree to compensate us for our legal fees and expenses (the lawyers call this, ‘indemnification’).

When you post content on (or through) our site or give us content for posting, you agree that you’re completely responsible for that content and we’re not. You also agree to only post or give us content that:

you have the right to post

is legal

doesn’t violate anyone’s rights, including intellectual property rights.

You acknowledge and agree that whoever posts content is responsible for any harm caused to anyone by that content – not isitwork – and that you’ll compensate and defend us, our partners, employees, and representatives against any costs or legal or government action we have because of your content.

1.4.2 Other people have some rights to what you post

By posting content on the site, you give other people some rights to that content.

Whenever you post content on our site, you give us and our affiliates a permanent right (called an ‘irrevocable and non-exclusive worldwide license) to use, edit and share that content – across the world and without paying royalties. If your name, voice, and image appear in the content you post, we also might use those on the site or in our day-to-day business. For example, if you’re a freelancer, we might share your profile with clients we think could be a good match.

You also give each user and site visitor the right to access and use your content through the site. They also have the right to use, copy and share your content – as long as they do it through the site, and follow both our Terms of Service and the law.

We might show ads near your content and information, without compensating you. Depending on the choices you make in your profile, we might also include your name or photo when promoting one of our features.

1.4.3 We’re open to your ideas

We’d love to hear your thoughts on improving isitwork. Here’s what happens when you share them.

You can send us comments and suggestions about our services and ways to improve them. If you do, you’re agreeing your ideas are free and unsolicited, and you don’t expect or ask anything in return, unless we’ve specifically asked you for your ideas and offered something in return (we like to keep our word).

You agree we’re free to use, change and share the idea as we like, without being obligated to give you anything for it. And if you do send us an idea, you also agree that this doesn’t affect our right to use similar or related ideas – including those we already have or get from others.

1.5 Third parties post on isitwork, too

Anyone else who uses our site is responsible for what they post or link on isitwork.

We’re not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any content shared by other people on our site unless they’re officially working for us when they share or post the content. Any content represents the views of the person sharing it, not isitwork.

Our site might also contain links or other access to third-party websites and applications. These sites and applications are owned and run by other parties, not isitwork. If we use a link or application that goes to a third-party website, it doesn’t mean that we endorse it and you agree that you use it without our endorsement.

1.6 You can make a copyright complaint

If you think the content on our site infringes your rights, you can ask to have it removed.

We’re committed to following U.S. copyright and related laws and need site visitors and users to follow them as well. That means you can’t use our site to store or share anything that infringes on anyone’s intellectual property rights, including their rights under U.S. copyright law.

If you own copyrighted work and think your rights under U.S. copyright law have been infringed by anything on our site, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act means you can ask us to take it down. Here’s how to report it.

2. What you’re allowed to do on isitwork

You can only use our services for work and to learn from the information we share.

Our site and services were made to be used for business, not for personal or consumer use. We run our marketplace to help users find each other, build working relationships, and make and receive payments for that work.

You can also use some of our services to get the information we think might be interesting and useful for our site visitors and users – like our isitwork blog. While we do our best to make sure that this information is timely and accurate, there might sometimes be mistakes. We don’t make any guarantees about information posted on our site, so never use it as tax or legal advice. And you should always double-check the information for yourself.

3. What you’re not allowed to do on isitwork

Posting unacceptable content

Acting in a misleading or fraudulent way

Treating others unfairly

Abusing our feedback system

4. Enforcing our terms of use

If you break any of these rules, we can suspend your account and stop you from using isitwork. If you see someone else breaking these rules, please let us know

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