I will teach and mentor chemistry from basic to advance

Delivery Time: Up to 7 days
Will be available to teach and mentor the academic and research based on the topics relevant to chemistry.
TEACHING# Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Nanochemistry, Food Chemistry, Laboratory Techniques, Advance Spectroscopy (Organic spectroscopy, 1D, 2D-NMR, IR, MS, UV-Vis, CD, ORD), Analytical Spectroscopy, Clinical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry.
RESEARCH # Biosensors, Chemosensor, Sensor arrays, Fluorescent organic probes, Nanoparticles, quantum dots, Perylene bisimides, Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Photophysical/Electrochemical/Crystalline properties, Lable free biosensing techniques, X-ray diffraction, Single crystals, Heterocyclic compounds, Crystallization, Co-crystals, Bioactivities.