Amazon pl product virtual assistant

If you are looking for Amazon Product Research Expert then you have landed on the right place.
What I will provide you is best top selling products for your private label brand with highest of demand and absolute low competition. Products where you can rank on first page and have room of opportunity.
Recommended Product according to our criteria:
Average selling price 10$-70$
Product with monthly revenue($ 10k – $ 50k)
Less Average reviews/ Low competition.
No AMZ or brand dominance and non trendy.
Profit margin 35%-55% with ROI 150%-200%
SV of top 3 Keywords more than 15k
Product having average rating more than 4.5+
Top 50 keywords+ targeted keywords for ppc.
Main competitor BSR and price history
Non Patented Product, No Trademark issue.
Non Electric, non seasonal, non trendy.
Light weight and small volume product+ shipping fees calculation.
In depth 30+ pages report full of every needed information.
Advanced Launch Plan
Complete Sourcing guide
Customer Support
For custom requirements of fba product research, text me before placing order.
Available for USA, UK, CA, DE, IT, FR, ES, AUS, IND, KSA and UAE