Hello members of ISITWORK I’m writing you this letter from my home office. Like yourself I’m considered for the past several years as a Freelancer.
Before Covid I’ve been an owner of a major media company hiring more then 700 employees on a payroll, and I know first-hand the correlation between employer and employee from both sides of the mattress.
During covid most people in the world found a solution to work from home and start earning as a freelancer, what brought to the biggest change in my life.
I wanted to have a platform for everyone in the world to have an opportunity to earn.
On September 2022 I’ve decided to take an action and created a MarketPlace named ISITWORK.

Is it work? If you like what you do?
This is the main idea of ISITWORK for people around the world to build their own life.
- To be able to work from any part of the world
- To be with their families and not miss a moment and still be able to earn
- To be able to be proud of the way they work and receive complements after a job well done
Now at the evening of the year 2022 looking forward to 2023, we can sum-up 2022 by
- 4,500 members registered
- More than ±100 different clients request work order from ISITWORK freelancers
- 1700 vendors published their listing
- Isitwork indexed with 2000 links
- ±300 active affiliates earning everyday by engaging others with isitwork
The goal for 2023 is simple
#1 Goal is to have the ability for every active Freelancer to receive daily work orders in masses, so each one of you will be profitable every day.
As isitwork CEO I wish isitwork in 2023 to become #1 website in the world for freelancers, to be able to agree and assist everyone from the companies who hires the services to the freelancer who provide the service and require assistance to have the work accomplished professionally.
I wish every one of you a greater and bigger and much more successful year
Welcome 2023!
Evgeni Levin
Thanks itswork team
Thanks sir and all of my friends they join isitwork