I will deisgn unique logo design for your business

Minimalist Flat Logotype Design in 3 concepts
Be sure you will be satisfied!
You will get in basic ($20) package:
3 different concepts of a minimalist flat logo design.
Less than 48 hours for delivery
Unlimited revisions with selected concept
5K quality JPEG files on white background
5K quality PNG files on transparent background
Favicon files of selected logo
Money back guarantee if we do not achieve the result
You will get in standart ($40) package:
Includes a basic package
Source files (CDR, Ai)
Vector files (EPS, PDF, SVG)
Files of used fonts or their names if they are licensed
You will get in premium ($60) package:
Includes a basic & standart packages
3 different ready for print Business Card designs with QR code
3 different Letterhead designs based on selected “bc” concept
24/7 online support if you will have any questions
Need for order:
Attach a title
Provide color preferences
Slogan or tagline
Clear sizes, write them in advance (if known)
If there are links to the site – go ahead
Attach your favorite logos
Attach any logos you don’t like
If you have any question, just drop me a message.
To get started, the seller needs:
Color preferences
Sizes in pixels (if known)
Links to your site
Favorite logos examples
Attach any logos you don’t like
Style: Flat
Logo Creation: From Scratch